Day 29 – 11.21.13

Today was such a beautiful day on the water…and I got started as the tide was coming in…so I paddled all the way to Kirby Park for the first time in a couple of months. Kirby is 4.5-5 miles into the Slough. I remember the first time I made it all the way there – I was sooooo elated. Then I had to go every time I paddled…now I try to make it there once or twice a month. My favorite part of the Slough, these days, is between 2.5 – 3 miles in. I’m not sure why I’m so enamored with that area right now, but I am.

Biggest otter raft I’ve seen in the harbor for a couple of months


Checked, couldn’t find what the sea lions were all so interested in




This snowy egret is almost always on this stump




Double-crested and pelagic cormorants (I see them most every day, but don’t often photograph them)






Was so excited to finally see what I think is a greater (or lesser?) yellowlegs – whoo hoo!



This is just a rock outcropping I like, over near Kirby Park



I think these are bufflehead (ducks)



Lots of pelicans…

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